Links to Preservation Metadata

This is a preliminary set of links to content in the document captures the links and text where metadata is referenced in the Digital Preservation Management tutorial. Look for future updates as we incorporate and highlight additional tutorial content about key digital preservation topics, in this case preservation metadata.  The list indicates the section of the tutorial where the reference is located. 

Section 2. Terms and Concepts:

Digital Preservation


Digital Preservation Strategies (see encapsulation)

Other Terminology (see fixity)

Section 3. Obsolescence and Physical Threats

Obsolescence: File Formats and Software (see references to sustainability factors and PDF/A)

Section 4. Foundations


Section 4a. Trusted Digital Repositories


Section 4b. OAIS Reference Model:


Introduction (The story of "O")

Archival Storage



Data Management

Section 4c. Preservation Metadata


Adding Metadata

Section 6. Program Elements:

Technological Infrastructure

Special Resources in Context

Additional Reading


Year 1995: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative originates.

Year 1999:  Resource Description Framework (RDF) is introduced. RDF is intended to provide metadata interoperability across different communities.

Year 2001: METS 1.1 schema is introduced as an XML standard for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata within a digital library

Year 2001: Preservation Metadata for Digital Objects: A Review of the State of the Art is published by the OCLC/RLG Working Group on Preservation Metadata.

Year 2002: Trusted Digital Repositories: Attributes and Responsibilities, and Preservation Metadata & the OAIS Information Model, A Metadata Framework to Support the Preservation of Digital Objects are both published by RLG/OCLC.

Year 2002: National Information Standards Organization (NISO) Technical Metadata for Digital Still Images standards released.

Year 2003: OCLC and RLG Announce the Formation of PREMIS, the PREservation Metadata: Implementation Strategies working group, to address practical aspects of implementing preservation metadata in digital preservation systems.

Year 2004: The International Organization for Standardization publishes: ISO 15836:2003, Information and Documentation, the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set.

Year 2008: PREMIS Data Dictionary v.2 (PDF) is released and maintained by the Library of Congress.