Balancing Access Issues

The organization needs to ensure that its digital assets are safe and secure, but, at the same time, an OAIS-compliant trusted digital repository must enable the identification and delivery of digital objects to users. This balancing act between security and ease of access is difficult to maintain.


Organizations need to regularly evaluate security requirements based on new threats, new security regulations, technology developments, and evolving archival needs. The security requirements provide a checklist to evaluate security measures, identify gaps, respond to new threats, and enhance security measures to meet changing needs.

0101 The trick in providing adequate security for the trusted digital repository is matching the means to the requirements. Proven methods may need to be supplemented with new—but appropriate—means and mechanisms.

$$$$ Organizations invest significant resources in digital assets. A secure system plays a key role in protecting those assets. Maintaining the integrity of digital objects over time requires more careful planning than when digital object longevity is not a consideration. And yet, the cost of security cannot outweigh the value of the assets.


Devise a “what if” scenario based on a worst-case situation and evaluate your institution's capabilities to protect digital assets.

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