This is a preliminary set of links to content in the document captures the links and text where metadata is referenced in the Digital Preservation Management tutorial. Look for future updates as we incorporate and highlight additional tutorial content about key digital preservation topics, in this case to procedural accountability, policy development, and certification. The list indicates the section of the tutorial where the reference is located.
Section 2. Terms and Concepts
OAIS Full List of Terms(see management)
Section 3. Obsolescence and Physical Threats
Section 4. Foundations
Section 4a. Trusted Digital Repositories
Section 4b. OAIS Reference Model:
Section 5. Challenges
Section 6. Program Elements
Year 1998: AHDS publishes "A Strategic Policy Framework for Creating and Preserving Digital Collections" discussing the key stages in the life cycle of a digital resource, and how these are influenced by major stakeholders.
Year 1999: "NSF funds Cornell's Project PRISM to develop policies and mechanisms for information integrity within a digital library."
Year 2000: "The US Library of Congress receives funding for the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) to ‘provide a national focus on important policy, standards and technical components necessary to preserve digital content.’"
Year 2003: RLG and the US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) create a task force to produce certification requirements for digital information repositories.
Year 2007: The Digital Preservation Repository Certification Task Force published the TRAC: Criteria and Checklist (PDF).